Many people are plagued with skin issues – with acne being one of the most obvious.
According to the British Skin Foundation: “Acne is a very common skin condition characterized by comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) and pus-filled spots (pustules).
“It usually starts at puberty and varies in severity from a few spots on the face, back and chest, which most adolescents will have at some time, to a more serious problem that may be embarrassing, sap self-confidence and cause scarring.
“For the majority, it tends to resolve by the late teens or early twenties, but can persist for longer in some people. Acne can develop for the first time in people in their late twenties or even the thirties. It occasionally occurs in young children.”
Despite being so widespread, acne can be debilitating for self confidence. There are a range of treatments on the market, from off the shelf topical ointments to strong prescription medications like Roaccutane.
Plant-based diet
Some choose to eschew these methods, and look to food to cure their skin issues – a route which can be successful.
These five people did just that – you will be amazed at their transformations.

1. US bodybuilder Brian Turner
Turner defeated his severe cystic acne by switching to a plant-based diet. He credits his newfound unblemished skin to being dairy-free, while eating 12 servings of vegetables and drinking a gallon of water every day.
Besides diet, he offers a number of tips on keeping your skin clear, including changing your pillowcase every night and getting enough sleep.

2. YouTuber The Raw Boy
After suffering from acne for years, The Raw Boy was finally put on Accutane. Though he saw improvement in his skin, he decided to drop the drug in a bid to improve his overall health.
Instead, he switched to a raw plant-based diet – and his skin cleared greatly.

3. Instagram star Essena O’Neill
The huge online star, who made headlines in 2016 for quitting Instagram saying ‘it’s not real’, suffered from a range of ailments including depression, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, recurring Urinary Tract Infections, and chronic acne.
Switching to a plant-based diet helped her skin – and also had a positive impact on her other conditions.

4. Nina and Randa
YouTube stars – and twins – Nina and Randa both developed severe acne at the age of 20. They described the condition as ‘devastating’ – it was so severe, they didn’t even want to leave the house.
They tried a whole range of cures, none of which worked, leaving their doctor to suggest Accutane.
Instead, Nina and Randa tried the McDougall diet – a low fat, starch-heavy plan. Within six weeks, they saw huge improvements in their complexions.

5. Rachel Crawley
This beauty pageant entrant – and popular Instagrammer – used to be bullied because of her acne. It got to the point where she didn’t want to leave the house.
It was only when she cut refined sugar and animal products out of her diet that she saw an improvement.
Posting on Instagram, she said: “I do believe in a plant-based diet; it has helped my chronic problems, mental health, and acne!
“The best decision I ever made was taking that final step and going vegan. Not only for my health, but for the animals, and our planet.”
PLEASE NOTE: PBN is not a doctor, nor offers a replacement for a doctor. If you have health issues, please visit a medical practitioner.